Wednesday, January 03, 2018

The memes of late 2017

Don't get old. Rough fall with bad reaction to the senior superflu shot, old lady sinus issues, old lady head bump issues, gained 25 lbs this year and my knees are killling me old lady complaints - and worst of all two MORE old lady teeth removed.  Can you guess why the Solstice song I sang the most was "all I want for Solstice is my two front teeth"?

So actually I didn't do too many memes in late 2017.  And even fewer FB rants than usual. And barely anything else got done besides laundry, cooking, minimal house cleaning and constant care of whiny big mutts - and semi-care of my semi-disabled male whatever.... 

On with the show...

#1 on this topic

#2 on this topic

Merry Solstice Decorations at my house...

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