Then we have what said on Nov. 23 was the real reason Netanyahu accepted a ceasefire: Obama pledged his life and sacred honor he'd send US troops to the Sinai Peninsula to accelerate the building of a fence to stop the smuggling of arms to Gaza and to hunt down smugglers in the Sinai. And of course to kill any Palestinian who dares to get to close to any fence or try to smuggle food or medicine into Gaza. It's just a matter of time before US troops are fighting in Gaza and the West Bank and Syria - and Iran, thanks to our Israel blackmailed government. YUK!!
Update 2: Nov. 24 Egypt announces - "NO we aren't letting foreign troops deploy (besides those already part of UN force)"... Of course, two days earlier President Morsi declared himself defacto dictator, so he can lie with impunity. And then we have a report of US military visiting Gaza to check out US troops a few weeks before. Pure coincidence of course. And now a Nov. 28 new report about all the billions US is spending to build defenses in Israel - so it can keep all that stolen land, of course.
And President Obama promises that if he gets all the new taxes he wants he'll cut a little bit of spending someday. And Nancy Pelosi shoots down a congressional attempt to get rid of indefinite detention for US citizens - have to keep those resisting tax payers under control... Woe is all of us...
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