A few hours after posting it I discovered this article "Poll: Nearly half of voters think Trump will detonate a nuke" which notes that 22% of Trump supporters think he'll user nuclear weapons, something that inevitably would escalate to world nuclear war!
Gary Johnson, the less than perfect libertarian candidate who still is 10 times better than Hillary/Trump, at least would bring up issues that the debate moderators will doubtless ignore. Seven of those, according to Reason magazine, are: the massive and escalating national debt; centralized government taking over state and local issues; squashing international trade (goodbye dollar store, hello $3.50 dish sponge); US military intervention, including with shock and awe, anywhere anytime neocon-neoliberal ideologues feel like it; spying on all of us to make it easy to prosecute and convict individuals of SOMETHING should the state find it to be necessary; free speech - let's keep it!; war on "drugs", i.e., black people, nonconformists or anyone the state wants to target. Check it out!
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