Two women authors talk about the result of this phenomena in their book: Bare Branches: The Security Implications of Asia's Surplus Male Population
In my e-book THE RETURN OF STREET FIGHTING MAN I detail how these young men, without the civilizing influence of women and family responsibility, turn to gang activity - including political gangs like white power enthusiasts and "black bloc" left wing formations. I've had my full of those types since the first became prominent during organizing for the year 2000 IMF protests. I detail the "invasion of the body snatchers" way that nonviolent activists were bullied into condoning street violence by those who wanted the publicity, and even personal notoriety, such violence attracts.
It was a member of a black bloc who threw the rock that hit this woman in a store in Georgetown, Washington, DC during a Friday night, October 19th, protest of the IMF meetings by a couple hundred people. They call their organizing group OctoberRebellion.
A young man claiming to be the woman's sister writes a blog entry that explains who she really is and her reaction to the rather serious injury. He includes several links to mostly right wing rants about the incident. Including to Michelle Malkin (the Filipino immigrant and blood thirsty neocon who rants against illegal immigration) who writes about Anarchy in Georgetown. Most of them link to the Youtube video below.
Of course, these young men refuse to admit that their strategic fondness for violent street demonstrations is in part a result of their being lonely guys forced to hang out with rowdy male friends for companionship. And let's not forget the the cultural imperative that men prove their manhood through violence - discussed here in my e-book. Yes, the testosterone driven male stampede to nuclear annihilation continues apace.
But at least this blog entry will survive on some safe server in some rural server farm, perhaps to be discovered a thousand years from now by some researcher in a partially revived civilization. And then someone will know why it all happened and that Carol Moore told you so!!
>>without the civilizing influence of women and family responsibility
Another feminist who subscribes to the false theory that it is women who civilize men. Young woman, you need to check out your local prisons. Something like 85% of the prisoners in the US penal system and in every other nation come from female headed families. Their life has been spent in the civilizing presence of women.
It is fathers who civilize children.
I realize this is like a Ph.D. giving a speech on atomic science to a special Ed class, but it is necessary to say the words no matter how unlikely it is you can grasp it.
Anonymous age 67
And something like 86% of 67 year olds make up statistics to back their dubious points. Har har :-)
It's good to have civilized fathers in a home. Of course, the government welfare system that drives the husbands out of the homes, or the criminal justice system that gives poor people far longer sentences for crimes that middle class or rich people had NOTHING to do with breaking up those families, right?
By the way, you didn't mention if and how long you've lived with a female to civilize you. Unless of course you are one of the 34.8% of males who use violence or the threat of violence to keep your women subjugated so you can remain UNcivilized. (I got that statistic from some place you got yours.)
You don't think severe corporal punishment is the best way to civilize kids - and dogs - by any chance, do you?
Must go, my 55 year old boyfriend - six years younger of course, the way I like them (less patriarchal) - wants to take me to dinner.
"It's good to have civilized fathers in a home. Of course, the government welfare system that drives the husbands out of the homes, or the criminal justice system that gives poor people far longer sentences for crimes that middle class or rich people had NOTHING to do with breaking up those families, right?"
One has to admire the total ignorance and ineptitude feminists wallow in..
What Age 67 is totally correct. Your insignificant misandry is just another example as to why feminism and male hating feminists like yourself are not only tiring but have become totally irrelevant..
I was going to congratulate you on your right on first paragraph - but evidently it is mine!
Studies show men in relationships have lower testosterone levels in general so less likely to get all macho and riot. But the problem is the real macho warmongers are the ones who want to or end up leading nations - Bush/Cheney/Obama/Biden. Just testosterone poisoned evidence of the ongoing failure of human evolution.
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