Low and behold I got a most magnificent reward! I got to answer a question on Secession, obviously giving pro-Secession answers! Most rewarding for this owner of Secession.Net.
The questions were:
States should have the right to secede from America if their state
legislature votes to do so.
*Strongly Agree
*Somewhat Agree
*Somewhat Disagree
*Strongly Disagree
* Not sure
Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly
disagree that the states which opt to secede from the U.S. should be
allowed to re-enter the country at a later date?
*Strongly Agree
*Somewhat Agree
*Somewhat Disagree
*Strongly Disagree
* Not sure
At the end of the poll there was encouragement to join and participate in future polls so check it out. Ask Someone You Know To Join. Send someone an email invitation to join the Zogby panel. They will get an email with this link:
Of course, their polls may be slightly skewed because all the propagandized Arab/Muslim haters out there will refuse to participate. But hopefully as the Iraq war drags on, and Iran war looms, people will be smart enough to start blaming the people who are starting the wars -- the Bush regime and its Israeli allies and supporters -- and not the Arabs and Muslims who have to keep fighting back against western attempts to steal their land, water and oil. (Which of course empowers the most violent radicals and disempowers everyone else!)
Speaking of war on Iran, the evidence mounts the psychos-in-charge are planning it. Israel's leader Olmert was in D.C. this week giving Bush his marching orders, which Olmert's neoconservative and Israel Lobby allies will make sure Bush fulfills after he leaves. On June 18 CounterPunch.Org published an excellent Paul Craig Roberts article predicting just what Bush et al have in store for us. If even half of it happens, I think we'll see a number of states and parts of states seceding from the union...
Is Bush Planning to Nuke Iran? If So, Say Goodbye to Democratic Outcomes - The Reign of the Tyrants is at Hand
..The revised war doctrine permits US first strike use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries. We need to ask ourselves why the Bush administration would blacken America's reputation and rekindle the nuclear arms race unless the administration had plans to apply its new war doctrine.
Senator Joseph Lieberman, a number of neoconservatives, prominent Jewish leaders such as Norman Podhoretz, and members of the Israeli government have called for a US attack on Iran. Most Republican presidential candidates have said that they would not rule out the use of nuclear weapons against Iran.
... As the US media now function as the administration's Ministry of Propaganda, the Bush regime believes that it can stampede Americans with lies into another war.
The Bush regime has concluded that a conventional attack on Iran would do no more than stir up a hornet's nest and release retaliatory actions that the US could not manage. The Bush regime is convinced that only nuclear weapons can bring the mullahs to heel.
...Pace's departure removes a known obstacle to a nuclear attack on Iran, thus advancing that possible course of action. A plan to attack Iran with nuclear weapons might also explain the otherwise inexplicable "National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive" (NSPD-51 AND HSPD-20) that Bush issued on May 9. Bush's directive allows him to declare a "national emergency" on his authority alone without ratification by Congress. Once Bush declares a national emergency, he can take over all functions of government at every level, as well as private organizations and businesses, and remain in total control until he declares the emergency to be over.
Who among us would trust Bush, or any president, with this power?
What is the necessity of such a sweeping directive subject to no check or ratification?
What catastrophic emergency short of a massive attack on the US with nuclear ICBMs can possibly justify such a directive?
...A speculative answer is that, with appropriate propaganda, the directive could be triggered by a US nuclear attack on Iran. The use of nuclear weapons arouses the ultimate fear. A US nuclear attack would send Russian and Chinese ICBMs into high alert. False flag operations could be staged in the US. The US media would hype such developments to the hilt, portraying danger everywhere. Fear of the regime's new detention centers would silence most voices of protest as the regime declares its "national emergency."
Scary, eh? What I've been saying for almost three years. See Link for rest of article.
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