Monday, July 02, 2007

Ann Coulter is No Emma Goldman - Thank Heavens!

I've opined here on the bad treatment often given opinionated females like MYSELF, ROSIE O'DONNELL, and CINDY SHEEHAN. This for merely standing up for nonviolence, peace and our right to say it loud and clear. The other side of the coin, of course, is women who are loud, obnoxious, hurtful and making lots of money doing it. Did somebody say ANN COULTER?
Even I had to agree when
some little web site recently stated "Ann Coulter needs to learn to be quiet." The author wrote: Her most recent beef has been with democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, first calling him a "faggot" and then commenting: "If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot." She claims the latter statement was merely her response to a similar comment she alleges Bill Maher made against Dick Cheney.
In 2003, Coulter had joked that Edwards owned an "Ask Me About My Dead Son" bumper sticker, asserting he used a son's tragic death to advance his political career. When she appeared on Chris Matthews' MSNBC program HARDBALL in late June I turned it off in disgust. So I missed Edwards' wife Elizabeth call in to the show and ask Coulter to stop making her cruel comments. Of course, this just gave Coulter more opportunities to be cruel to the Edwards' family and to get publicity for her cruelty.
Per the rally poster below, Coulter's ticked off a lot of people. Yes, she makes Rosie, Cindy and me look like innocent babes.
But at least Coulter's not yet taking a bull whip to her opponents as the anarchist communist Emma Goldman allegedly did in the story below. Such deliciously wicked female behavior - and in support of male violence, as it happens.
According to an excerpt from Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist When Emma and Berkman first met, Johann Most was the acknowledged leader and inspiration of the tiny foreign anarchist movement in the United States. For a while, both Most and Berkman were Emma's lovers, which complicated matters beyond potential theoretical differences. When Berkman tried to assassinate Frick, Most repudiated the deed for precisely the reason that Emma names here: the American worker was not sufficiently advanced to understand the meaning of the deed. When Most spoke in New York City, and Emma heard he might repeat his attack on Berkman, she went to the meeting with a long bull-whip wrapped around her body beneath her coat, and when Most began his attacks on her beloved Sasha, Emma leaped to the stage and whipped him out of the hall....But Johann Most was right. When Berkman went to prison, he discovered that no one could understand why he had tried to kill Frick, not even the Homestead workers there in prison themselves. Other prisoners thought there must have been some personal quarrel between Berkman and Frick, or some "business misunderstanding." Or they thought Berkman was simply crazy. Not only those in prison. The union in Homestead immediately dissociated itself from Berkman's act, and sent condolences to Frick with the message that they prayed for his speedy recovery.
Time will tell if Coulter ever gets such a comeuppance on her verbal violence, be it subtle and political like the Goldman story or more dramatic and personal. Like a large law suit or a pie in the face. Perhaps one pundit's calling her the "piss Christ" of political pundits will catch on. She is one woman who deserves a good shaming for her excesses!

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