Tuesday, October 09, 2012

A month in review

So many events to comment on the last few weeks, but I had a cold and other distractions so only thought about blogging them... So here's just a few photos and/or videos I downloaded or watched that more or less reflected my view of a few of the events of the last few weeks...

 And the formatting sucks - have to learn HTML to edit damn thing...BLEAH....

 I want to see them so bad...


But we didn't need to see the above silliness...

 Confess, land grabbing b$#*)^d....

 So true. Can't really get excited enough about Gary Johnson to see him in person. Not a revolutionary.  Though he did say he would NOT use military force vs. nonviolent secessionists. Still trying to motivate myself to give him $20.


UK's national health care system refuses water to people it wants to get rid of - and or through mismanagement. See this article.

 Startrek, nothing but Startrek, nothing but Startrek, all of the day -- now that I've got NETFLIX!! (Working way through Farscape first, though.)

 Wayne Root resigns from the Libertarian Party - thank the goddesses!! See my Boot Root page.

Cindy Sheehan won't pay for war. Yeah! See national war tax resistance group at NWTRCC.ORG

 The Gandhi man can!!

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