As the June 10, 2007 End the Occupation of Palestine rally organizers state in a recent email:Actress, comedienne, and talk show host Roseanne Barr has specially recorded an audio message urging people to participate in the mobilization. To listen, click here and then pass on the link.
Here's the sexy photo they included of Roseanne. In case you don't know, the rally commemorates the 40th anniversary of the 1967 war where Israel occupied Arab land in the West Bank and Gaza, and began their current regime of confiscations and defacto apartheid, shoving millions of Arabs into defacto concentration camps. (More on the land the confiscated 1948-1966 below.) More quotes from the email.
We're also very excited to announce that together with our friends at Imagine Life, we'll be airing a one minute cable television ad next week in the Washington, DC area. Thousands of people in the area will see these spots promoting the June 10-11 mobilization on CNN, CNN Headline News, MSNBC, and Comedy Central. To view a mock-up of the ad on Google Video, click here and then pass it on.
Our ads in the Washington, DC metro train system are continuing to spark interest all over the globe. Articles and news stories have appeared in recent days on the local ABC, NBC, and CBS affiliates, and in the DC Examiner, International Herald Tribune, Associated Press, and more. To view a selection of articles, click here.
See my blog entry about the ads here.
Of course, the End the Occupation group does contain a number of activists opposed to giving up much of the land Israel took before the 1967 war. It should be noted that many libertarians have taken a strong property rights position to defend the rights of individual Palestinians and their broken and dispersed communities to get back land confiscated since 1948. See libertarian Murray Rothbard's late 1960s (PDF) War Guilt in the Middle East on why libertarians must take a stand. As the dramatic depiction of four maps below shows, that (in green Palestinian) land would be confiscated to become much of what is now (in white) Israel!

Most libertarians believe Israelis had a right to form a state on justly bought or settled land, what there is of it. (Even truly unowned desert lands settled by Israelis usually bloomed only because of water sources stolen from Palestinians.) They also have the right to make it a "Jewish" state. Just like the Arabs living in Palestine have a right to call themselves Palestinians and form a state with those who choose to join them, including Christian and Muslim Arabs, Jews and secularists. Or there can be two Palestines formed from voluntarily participating entities, one Muslim, one mixed religiously. Or there can be any number of networks and confederations of free communities of various makeups, as I discuss in my article Israel-Palestine Confederations.
I've written a few other pieces on the topic, including: Middle East Issues and Emotions: my 1986 War Resisters League article and an updated February 2004 version, which obviously will need to updated again. A few years back I also wrote Is Applying Libertarian Principles to Israel Anti-Semitic? during one of those periods when allegedly libertarian Zionists were on the attack. In the end the solution to the Israel/Palestine issue is a combination of religious tolerance, giving up ideas of "collectivist" and "state" rights and recognizing the just rights of individuals.
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