Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bottom of the Sunspot Cycle - Ho Ho Hummm

If future readers wonder why my blog lingered on that cute little butt for six whole weeks, blame it on the sunspot cycle. I'm too bored, depressed, blah-ed out to opine, to go to many activist events, to do much more than read email, surf the web, eat, watch television and put off looking for a job for yet another week. Where, oh, where is the Manic Moore?
If you think I'm joking when I say "blame it on the sunspot cycle," see my article SUNSPOT CYCLES AND ACTIVIST STRATEGY. I introduce the article by saying: In the mid-1980s, writing in two small radical publications, I predicted the dissolution of the Soviet Union and freedom for eastern Europe for the exact month that it did in fact happen. I did not predict it specifically for November of 1989. I predicted it for the height of the next eleven year sunspot cycle. The height occurred in November of 1989. And, as this article argues, this was no coincidence. For sunspots give off solar flares that increase negative ionization on earth--and negative ionizations increases human excitablity and activity. We are now at the end of another sunspot cycle, a bottoming out of human excitability and, if we are lucky, a period of relative peace. The next height of the cycle --and of mass demonstrations, riots, revolutions and wars -- will be around 2010.
Read the whole article. The red line above is the latest sunspot cycle, starting in the mid-1990s and ending about now. The black and blue lines are the last two sunspot cycles.
What do I predict for 2010? Assuming nuclear war has NOT destroyed half of humanity -- and even more so if it has!! -- I predict the first great worldwide-networked secessionist uprising. And if we are lucky, the last! The Age of Aquarius in one great Apocalypse of Love?
Well, those of us who think it's a good idea, better get off ALL OUR CUTE BUTTS and get it going. And that includes yours truly, author of CONSCIOUSNESS AND COMMUNITY: TRANSCENDING GOD AND STATE and webmaster of SECESSION.NET. If we can't motivate ourselves through sunspots we'll just have to do it through love, hope and inspiration.

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